Cloud-based network management vs. on-site network management

January 25, 2022


Technology has advanced rapidly and it has impacted the way we operate our businesses. As more businesses transition to digital solutions for their operation, it has become essential to have efficient and effective network management systems in place. A network management system enables an organization to monitor, maintain, and deploy devices and servers across their network. With businesses facing a tough decision of either managing their networks on-site or through a cloud-based system, it becomes necessary to compare the pros and cons of each to decide which is the best fit.

On-site network management

On-site network management involves physically managing the network architecture of an organization's servers, devices, and appliances. This method includes manual administration of servers, routers, switches, and other network devices. It is widely preferred in organizations where data security and ownership are critical. The system is usually managed by an in-house IT team that is responsible for setting up, configuring, monitoring, and maintaining the network.

On-site network management has its advantages, especially for organizations that require full control of their network infrastructure. A few advantages of on-site network management include:

  • Direct control over all network activities
  • Greater sense of security as the physical servers are on-premises
  • Higher bandwidth availability for data transfer between devices
  • No ongoing costs from cloud service providers for the infrastructure

Despite these advantages, on-site network management can be expensive to set up, manage, and maintain. Organizations need to have skilled IT teams, dedicated resources, and equipment to keep up with the network infrastructure's demands. Furthermore, in the unfortunate event of a natural disaster, on-premise network infrastructure can be damaged, resulting in data loss.

Cloud-based network management

Cloud-based network management involves managing network infrastructure through a third-party cloud service provider. The cloud service provider manages the hardware and software infrastructure remotely, enabling organizations to manage their networks through an online portal. This method eliminates the need for physical hardware and equipment and offers significant cost savings for businesses.

One of the advantages of cloud-based network management is scalability. The system offers on-demand scalability, allowing businesses to increase or decrease their network usage based on their business needs. Furthermore, the system is available 24/7, offering businesses flexibility and accessibility to their network infrastructure from anywhere.

However, there are a few drawbacks to cloud-based network management that businesses should consider. Some of the drawbacks include:

  • Relying on the cloud service provider for uptime and reliability
  • Higher ongoing costs for cloud service providers
  • Lack of physical control over the network infrastructure


Choosing between cloud-based network management and on-site network management requires consideration of various factors. Businesses must balance their needs for security, control, scalability, and budget when making this decision. Both methods have distinct advantages and disadvantages, but businesses can choose the method that aligns with their business needs.

Cloud-based network management has gained popularity recently due to its cost-saving benefits and scalability, but on-site network management is still the preferred method in specific industries that require full control over their network architecture.

At Flare Compare, we understand that every business is unique, and we are committed to providing businesses with tailored solutions that align with their specific needs. Contact us for more information on how we can help your business with network management solutions.


[1] Gartner (2022). Cloud Management Platforms. [online] Available at: [Accessed Jan 2022].

[2] BMC Software (2022). What is Network Management? [online] Available at: [Accessed Jan 2022].

[3] SolarWinds (2022). Network Management Software. [online] Available at: [Accessed Jan 2022].

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